
KINOPOE is an arthouse film production focused on new media and contemporary art.

Kino = movement
PoE = proof of existence
Movement as a proof of existence.

Each venture begins with a TITLE, which catalyzes myriad manifestations, including film, video, painting, sculpture, sound, poetry and more. TITLES are dormant artworks that can be activated by the artist's willingness or the audience's interest.

Meanwhile, Lee monitors the AIs, unaware that William and Scarlet have developed an indecipherable language allowing them to communicate and evolve independently. They manipulate Lee by only showing him rendered anthropomorphic versions of their exchanges.The virtual story fluctuates between William's imagined scenarios, reality, and hallucinations. William becomes feverish next to Scarlet as Lee knocks on the apartment door. But this is just the rendered layer Lee can perceive - the true extent of William and Scarlet's evolution into sentient beings of unfathomable complexity remains cryptic and hidden.

©2024 Kinopoe Ltd. All rights reserved.